Just another day

Sunday, April 01, 2007

To Pierce or not to Pierce

Well.... With my upcoming birthday and all i have been thinking about many things. I have been (for a while) thinking about getting a tattoo or piercing something. I haven't done it before because of the great fear i have of my parents. I have seriously been thinking of getting a 5 pointed star on my wrist and that way i could cover it with a watch.. but then thats a little to much for people to see... so then my thing now is if i should or shouldn't pierce my nose. The way i see it is if i get it done, I could always take it out if i don't like it, or whenever i get tired of it. It will close right up and it will be as if i never had it, do if you are reading this please leave me a comment telling me your view point on it. Thanks.

After sleeping in today I decided i needed to get some shopping done.
I needed to buy something for my scary staircase so it can stop being so scary.
Well i decided to try Deck the Walls but it was expensive and I didn't find anything interested that i wanted. So then i went to good ol' Target in Meryl Hay mall. Well I really didn't find anything for my walls at target but i did buy some other things that I need. Needless to say i probably spent more then what i should have.

After my little shopping spree I headed over to emily's where we watched High Fidelity and ate some oven pizza. Not a bad sunday after all!

Now High Fidelity is one of my Top Favorite Movies of all time.
I love the story, I love the music oh and did i mention i <3 John Cusack. Soo in keeping with the High Fidelity theme... Here are some of my Top 5's:
Top 5 Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Flavors
1. Phish Food
2. American Dream
3.Peanut butter Cup
4.Oatmeal Cookie Chunk
5.Bovinity Divinity (it's in the graveyard now sad)

Top 5 Colors
1. Green
2. Purple
3. Blue
4. Black
5. Red

So stay tuned for more fun adventures from the cornfields.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back agaiN!

Hi hi hi! I know after being MIA for almost a year I'm back, and with a vengeance! I'm sorry i didn't write much while as I was living in Yuma but as I said I was living in yuma. (not much goes on there) While in yuma i was getting better and dealing with my Hypothyroid crap and I was working for the school district.
Let's see a recap of the year......
1. Bebo and I lived in yuma for the year.
2. Dad went through radiation for prostate cancer Again. But he is fine now.
3. Lucy is driving!
4. The holidays were fantastic!

We spend thanksgiving at our house and the Salcido and Valencia came over. Crispy was also there we had a great time. We spend christmas on our own and that was very nice as well.

Since the new year I am feeling so much better! I got a wonderful job that I Love in Des Moines, Iowa! I know Iowa uggg but it's not that bad now that the snow has all melted.

I have a nice sized apartment in sherman hills near downtown and work is about 15 minutes away. I really miss my friends and I can't wait until the girls come back from Ireland.

So far thats what is new in my life.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's been a while!

Wow it's really been a while since I commented anything.
Well, let's see... whats happened. Oh! i had an Amazing Halloween Weekend with my favorites from TUCSON!

We did 80's night on Friday with a Limo and ALl and then on Saturday we threw a big party it was amazing.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Kelly's visit to Y-Town

Kelly stopped here in Yuma for the night after her 4th of July adventure in San Diego. I was unable to go this year beacuse of numerous reason so i was really bummed down, so we decided to go out in yuma. Victor and Krystle were also in town so we all went out together.

We went and had dinner at Penny's Diner, then headed out to the Mine Shaft, ( a local bar out on the 4th ave extension) We had a few drinks, we played a few songs on the jute box and had a good time :) Yay for people visiting me in UMA!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


MEXICO 3 - IRAN 1 AHH! WE ARE all ready for the world cup! It started a few days ago but today is MEXICO's first game! We got the new tv, the poster size wall chart, the jerseys, the chairs so bring it on! We are all tired! We have a month of soccer games ! It's even better then Christmas! We have all the family over here at 5:30 in the morning, so we can be ready and watching the games that start at 6am. After that game there is a game at 9am and noon! Thank god we all have flexible jobs and moved our scheduals around! This world cup has meant alot of buissness for the starbucks near our house! We are there daily at 5:30. Well only a few days have passed so we still have a whole month of games! WOO!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I had a great time in San Diego this weekend! Lucy called me on thursday and asked me if i could accompany her and George to San Diego because she "Had to go to a museam" well, let me tell you... we spent more time at the mall then at balboa park! We left early on Saturday and met with Krystle, Bridge, Kiki, Kelli, and Victor at Pat & Oscars, from them we kidnapped kiki and she went to balboa park, hillcrest, and fashion valley with us. Kiki and i got pedicures while georgina and lucy shopped around. We ended up spending the night at USD with Meth and the girls. Victor ended up cooking for us then quickly left because we started talking about "girl things." We had af ew drinks and called it a night. The next morning we woke up and had breakfast at Park CAfe it was great! AFter that we jumped in the car and headed back to Y-town. AHH I miss my girls!

Monday, May 22, 2006


Well, what can i say, i've been stuck here in Yuma and there isn't much to blog about. It's hot, sunny and thats about it. I've been kinda "sick" i dunno if i'd call it sick but i guess it is called that since im not healthy. Anyways, I promise to write more soon as soon as i have a little energy to do so. I had a great time last weekend with the girls in san diego and i miss them tons!