Thursday, April 13, 2006
About Me
- Name: Cha
- Location: San Diego / OB/ DMIA, California, United States
" I've never been drunk, but often I've been overserved." I love Traveling, Pirates, playing in the rain, photography, partying,beer pong, history, card games, horrible speller, singing out of tune, artsy stuff, hanging out, random crap, camping, canoeing, cooking, March maddness, Camping, off-roading, banging on my drums,Literature, Movies, Converse, scrabble, road trips, soccer fan(Mexico, USA Womens, Chivas, Man U, Chivas USA) , singing in the shower, Vwbugs, slushies, corn, fun shoes, potatos, trees, being tan, puppies and other fuzzy animals, play dough, target, hair detangler, iced tea, bubbles, Nalgene bottles, naps, brown paper packages tied up with strings, bookstores, coffee, monkeys, fuzzy caterpillar eyebrows, bon fires,sporks,& sea monkeys.
Previous Posts
- To Pierce or not to Pierce
- Back agaiN!
- It's been a while!
- Kelly's visit to Y-Town
- WORLD CUP 2006
- ugg!
- My "special" Friends
- Daniel's First Communion
- Tia Carmen is 50!