Just another day

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back agaiN!

Hi hi hi! I know after being MIA for almost a year I'm back, and with a vengeance! I'm sorry i didn't write much while as I was living in Yuma but as I said I was living in yuma. (not much goes on there) While in yuma i was getting better and dealing with my Hypothyroid crap and I was working for the school district.
Let's see a recap of the year......
1. Bebo and I lived in yuma for the year.
2. Dad went through radiation for prostate cancer Again. But he is fine now.
3. Lucy is driving!
4. The holidays were fantastic!

We spend thanksgiving at our house and the Salcido and Valencia came over. Crispy was also there we had a great time. We spend christmas on our own and that was very nice as well.

Since the new year I am feeling so much better! I got a wonderful job that I Love in Des Moines, Iowa! I know Iowa uggg but it's not that bad now that the snow has all melted.

I have a nice sized apartment in sherman hills near downtown and work is about 15 minutes away. I really miss my friends and I can't wait until the girls come back from Ireland.

So far thats what is new in my life.