Just another day

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


There is absolutly nothing worse then filling out jobs applications! I hate it, they all ask you the same thing over and over and over again. Why can't there just be a basic one that everyone has so all you would have to do if make about 4039 thousand copies of one instead of having to fill each one out seperatly. By the time you get to your 3-4th application you start thinking up different ways of writing your name, or what other jobs you could write down that would be funny or just plain weird. Who would deny a job to a retired photographer for national geographics, or a whale trainer, or lion tamer? Then you can't help but think...would they deny me a job if i had a nobel prize for one thing or another written in the awards or accomplishments section of the application? Then after running out of ink, a handful of blisters, a pile of papers and many copies of resumes, references and an almost empty tank of gas you find yourself suck on the I-5 North right in the middle of downtown San Diego at 5pm. So now you're almost out of gas, sitting there bumper to bumper with the sun in your eyes when you decide its time to rock out. You go to turn on your radio and all you hear is about how bad traffic is and how its backed up for miles... ahh how fun then when you are reaching the exit for the 8 west the radio informs you that there is in fact an accident on the off ramp so there you are with no other choice but to continue on the I-5 until the very much jamed packed Sea World Drive. So now i'm home, im grumpy and tired and hate job applications.

After a while of trying to clean my room i took a little nap and i happened to have a very weird dream. I dreamed that i was at a soda machine was wanted a cherry coke but instead of a cherry coke it gave me a maple coke... so now i'm wondering how it would taste if i throw a little maple syrup into my coke... hmm.. i think i've watched ELF one to many times.

Bahahahhahaa That add is funny.... would you not hire that guy??


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate filling out apps too. fuckers are so lame. bosses and hiring fucks are assholes too. argh.

At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too...FEEL...your pain! Although, I am currently employed I am searching for a new career opportunity.

One last thing...YOU have me wondering about Maple Coke! Perhaps, you should contact Coca-Cola with your suggestion?

At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually AM looking for a professional marijuana smuggler....weird!


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