Just another day

Monday, November 28, 2005


Ahh... Thanksgiving weekend is one of the busiest weekends for offroading in the Glamis (Imperial Sand Dunes) area. Friday after thanksgiving I packed a bag and drove out to Yuma. My Tia Rosa had asked me if I would be kind enough to take her kids offroading in Glamis for the weekend so my uncle and her could take a little road trip to Vegas to see the Celine Dion Concert.

I arrived to the Valencias house to find out the Expedition had a flat, so David and I went and got that fixed down on Ave. B. On our return there were about 3 other cars waiting for us full of kids who were also going to glamis.

We loaded up and headed out. It was cold and soooooo windy!!!!!! We met up with Jose and Juan in Glamis, and as soon as I jumped out into the sand I noticed another HUGE nail in the expedition. So I had to drive back to Yuma with Daniel and we got that fixed, we also picked up Elena, some hot soup, Andres's quad, and Andres.

By the time we made it back to glamis it was getting dark, and it was insanely windy! So we get back , and a few of the kids had defenetly taken advantage of us not
being there so have a little Too much fun. It was allright nothing to crazy. So we came back and andres and I sat by the fire like old people and just chit chatted, while the high schoolers ran around and off roaded.

There was about 12 of us there, it was cold and windy. We cooked hot dogs on sticks, haha it was interesting. Daneil thought it was really funny. Daniel was the only one that was able to sleep in a tent! (it was to windy to put the other tents up) The Girls slept in the back of the trailer and froze to death, everyone else slept in cars. Andres and I slept in the expedition with david, and we were even cold in that.

We woke up early the next day, and just offroaded all day
long until about 3 when we loaded up the quads and headed back to yuma. Everyone in 1 piece, and everyones alive! HOORAY!
"5 fatalities, between 280-300,000 people, 147 emergency services calls, two small fires, 516 law enforcement calls, 37 arrests, and 29 Dui charges." Yuma Daily Sun. but we made it home ok. :) hooray.


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