Just another day

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Long Overdue Tucson Roadtrip

Ug, so after a week of beign back from tucscon, i am ready to give this blog another try. I had written an amazing blog telling all the funny stories and commenting about the amazing trip and right when i was about to publish it my computer froze and i lost it ALL!!! I had uploaded tons of pictures and well i lost it all so now i have to restart it and give it another try. Well, lets see.. we decided to finally take a long overdue trip to tucson, so we decided to rent a car and head out. We all voted that 1pm would be a great time, and we'd make it there early and it would be great, well as you know plans never go as planned, and it was about 5:30 before we left san diego. We were rocking out, and kiki was freaking out because she had never been in a car for such a long period of time. We made it to yuma in about 2.5 hours, we picked up a quick dinner at chili pepper and a coffee at the new starbucks and got back on the road.

After about 35 minutes kiki was about to explode so meth and keeks decided to go on a little mission into the trunk and find the bottle of whiskey that i had accidently left in the trunk. Yeah i know it was my fault but i did get a car with foldable backseats so they were able to crawl throught them and retrieve it without me having to pullover. So that was amazing. They had a few shots of whiskey making them feel better and allowing them to calm down and enjoy the rest of the drive.

We finally arrives in tucson around midnight and we went and picked up joe money and headed to kelly's house. It was a little late to go out, and we were a little tired, so we hung out and just started playing drinking games. We were up till 7 am drinking, playing asshole, and then the girls and joe went for a early morning walk to find the sunrise but they got tired and came back before the sun came out. That night kiki overdid it a little bit and ralphed for the first time like she says she did it "tucson style".

We had so many amazing plans to go to Nogales and run around and shop all day the next day but we didn't wake up until 1:45 so i went and dropped off joe money who had to be at work at 2:30 and then we went and did a little shopping on 4th ave with Trish. We ended up having lunch at bison witches, yum yum and then we went a trolley ride down to urban outfitters.

After our shopping we went back to kells where we took a nice powernap, We watched Monsters INC, and then Kelli fell from the balanace ball and flashed me, it was pretty amazing hahahahaha, So that night kelly and I went to the buffet, bridge was with her friends and meth & kiki stayed at kellys and drank. After the bars closed we went back to kellys and conitnues to play some drinking games and hung out with pierre it was nice. I missed hanging out with kelly so much!

The trip back was fine, we did pretty good, kiki almost died as you can see by the pictures!

We woke up around noon the next day jumped in the car and headed back to san diego! Kiki almost died she couldn't wait tog et home. HEre are some of the things kiki was going through on the trip back It was a great trip we had a great time and we all can't wait to go back.... ( kiki says next time shes going to fly)


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HELL YES next time i'm flying. look at that awesome asshole hand, no wonder i was president three times in a row! but you must take down the unattractive pictures of me, which are pretty much all of them because i look gross and they make me want to vomit. anywho, it was an awesome trip, thanks for driving!

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahha they make you want to VOMIT (again) hahah

At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow kiki does have an amazing hand. im so sad i missed the throwing up and the flashing :( but i am proud of my roomies for doin it up right

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. the sun was OUT we just couldn't find it, thank you very much


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