Just another day

Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's been too long

Yeah yeah i know im lacking in the blogging area.. sorry! You have to realize that I AM in Yuma arizona so these blogs might be getting extremely boreing since there isn't much going on around here. I Might get bitchy, boreing, and start collecting cats and cacti! Oh dear god.... don't worry I will NOT let that happen!

Well , a couple weeks ago my brother found the cutest doggie! She was running around his office. Anyway it seemed she had been hit by something but her leg healed up very well, and my mom didn't want to keep her but we found her a great home. She's cute huh??

What has has happened... I'm still running around like a madlady looking for a job. I've found a few leads thank god and i hope to be working for the school district very soon! Cross your fingers! OHHH!!! Bridget came and visited me last week! How could i possibly forget that it was amazing i miss my girls a ton and a half! We went to where the Elite Meet.. good ol' Lutes casino. We also of course went to visit the canal, she saw the gianormouse birds, the oceans to oceans bridge (the first bridge for railroads and the connected san fransisco with New York) We went to Hastings, and a few other places around town. I loved having her here and i can't wait till all 3 of them visit me!

So Last night i was extremely EXTREMELY bored so i started playing "THE OREGON TRAIL" yeah i know yes yes you are right you probably havn't played that since you were in the third grade but well thats how bored i was ok , give me a break. So after i killed my whole family from the scurrvy i decided i had had enough so i called claudia and we headed out to Hastings to have some coffee. We hung out there until they kicked us out... around 10:15 pm. OH! While we were at hastings we picked up a new friend! His name is Mr.Puddlegum, and he's a gnomad! He'll be traveling the world!!!!!!!! You want to check him out here ya go it's
www.gnomads.net then enter his name Mr.Puddlegum and you can read all about his adventures in Yuma and the great beyond! He loves messeges so leave him one! From hastings we ended up calling Andres and he was on his way to the Mine Shaft so we decide to join up with him there. He was with Emo, David and ... iforgot the 3rd guys name... anyway that guy didn't stay long he felt and fell asleep in emo's car. We just all kind hung out at the bar, heard a couple very funny stories about some guys blowing up a pool! I will post about it later later, at the moment i am still in pj's and well i have to go shower, make lunch, and then i dunno i'll be back soon! i promise, and i will try not to take to much time in writing up new blogs! Oh by the way let me know if you want to host Mr.Puddlegum for a few days (that involves taking him out, taking digital pictures with him and then posting them on his webpage, then mailing him back to me or to the next person on his list) Let me know if you want to host him!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

ug, like i said just another day

I have been running around like a madman looking for a job. Yeah i know im dumb and i could very easily have a nice paying job working for the family but the hours suck, 6 days a week mon-sat. mon-thursday 8am -5, fri and sat 8-6. what kind of crap is that?? anyway, the family job would be a nice steady job, with a good income, and benefits, but what good is all that if i hate office work, and i would have NO time for myself. I'd go postal. So that being the case i've been running around looking for a job. I've applied at all the school districts, and about 4059 other places. so i hope to hear something soon.

Yuma hasn't been that horrible, i am very bored, and there isn't much to do but at least my brother is here too and we can sit next to each and be bored together. hahaha it's sad :(

ok, well i just wanted to write a little something.. I went shopping with mom at Lowes, target, and Kohls today horray i like shopping. Anyway i have to go make dinner.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Fill it out

Fill it out leave as comment :)

1.Your Full Name:

2. Age:

3. Favorite Color?

4. Favorite Movie:

5. Favorite Song:

6. Favorite Band:

7. Most Embarassing Moment:

8. Are you a virgin?

HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...

1. Are we friends?

2. Do you have a crush on me/are you attracted to me?

3. Would you kiss me?

6. Would you ever ask me out or go out with me if I asked you?
haven't we already?

8. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you:

9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?

10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?

11. have you heard any rumors of me lately?

12. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me?

13. Do you think I'm a good person?

14. Would you let me sleep with you (in the same bed)?

15. Do you think I'm attractive?

16. Are there ever times when you want to call me but don't?

17. Would you ever listen to my problems even if they don't involve you?

18. If you could change anything about me, would you? what would it be?

20.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?

21. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

70 things about me.

1. Spell your first name backwards - nemrac

2. Story behind your myspace name - it's what everyone calls me ... Cha

3. What month were you born in - April

4. Where do you live - Arizona (hopefully not for long)


5. Wallet - Roxy white and pink one.

7. Toothbrush - it's green and works well :)

8. Jewelry worn daily - hemp bracelet on right wrist, toe ring on right foot, earings in both ears

10. Pillow cover right now - 2 bluish t-shirt ones, 1 tan body pillow and 2 cases that match my bedcover (tan with white)

11. Underwear - white and green abercrombie ones

12. Best friend - Kelly

13. Sunglasses - hahaha some that meth let me borrow.

14. Favorite shirt - this old one from "Big Peckers" a bar in maryland (it's justins shirt)

15. Cologne/Perfume - Victoria Secret heavenly

16. CD in stereo - a burned mix

17. Piercings - ears

18. What you are wearing now - jeans, a crimson shirt, and flip flops

19. Wishing - i had an amazing full time job ELSEWEAR!

20. Wanting - to take a trip somewhere

21. After this - i have to go to target

22. If you could get away with it and murder anyone who would it be? - no one.

23. Person you wish you could see right now - so many people, kelly, meth, bridge, kiki, juice

24. Some of your favorite books - Everyone loves me, We thought you'd be prettier, My sisters keeper, a million little pieces

25. Something you're looking forward to in the coming week - nothing

26. The last thing you ate - an saltine

27. Something you are deathly afraid of - sharks, octopai, pickles


28. Do you like candles - sure

29. Do you like incense - nag champa

30. Do you like the taste of blood - yeah who doesn't! I like my blood fresh from the veins... ew..

31. Do you believe in love - yep

32. Do you believe in soul mates - yep

33. Do you believe in love at first sight? - definitely

35. Do you believe in God - yes

38. What is the longest you've ever stayed up? - a few days

39. Can you eat with chopsticks - yeah i can , im amazing like that

40. What's your favorite coin - quarters

41. What are some of your favorite candies - Chocolate

42. What's something that you wish people would understand about you - Im an open book, i don't put up a front, i am who i am and i like being like that.

43. What's something you wish you could understand better - why some people are so sucky

44. Who is someone that you really wish was still around - my grandpa, my dog sidney

45. Who are your best friends? - kelly

46. How many people have you kissed? - a good amount

47. Are you shy around your crush? - no

48. Still have feelings for anyone in a past relationship? - no

49. Do you know what it feels like to be in love? - Definitely

50. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends? - yes w/o even thinking twice


51. Where is your favorite place to shop? - I love Target

52. Have any tattoos? - nop

53. What is your favorite thing to wear? - hoodies

54. What is a must have accessory? - flip flops all the time

55. How much is the most you've ever spent in a single clothing store? - I wanna say $200 or so

56. Who is the least fashionable person you know? - probably me

57. Do you match your belt with your hair color? - What! am i supposed to do that??? When was this notice issued holy crap ! All these years and i didn't know that what's next?? No white after labor day??

58.What is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good? - I'd rather not think about that

59. How many pairs of shoes do you own? - 15 or so

60. What is the worst trend you see today? - ass cracks,

61. Do you do drugs? - no

62.What kind of shampoo do you use? - herbal essence

63.WHAT ARE you listening to right now? - i wish i was watching ELLEN

65. Who was the last person that called you? - Justin

66. Where do you want to get married? - in a little cabin in the woods

67. How many friends are online right now? - not sure

68. What would you change about yourself? - my good looks hahah j/k

69. What are essentials in your life? - cell phone, fun gum, and my friends/family

70. Do you send out holiday cards each year? - sometimes but not this year