Just another day

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween Part 2

Ahhh... the second night of Halloween.... Let's see.. We were super tired all day, then we decided to get back into our costumes and go just go hang out at Lestates. Well on the way to Lestates we got a phone call from Monica who was very very drunk and begging us to come over and check out a party because "her cousins were really hot" so we drove all the way to EL CAJON and we found the party where we were immediately molested by Monica who groped us and made out with my ear.. Interesting would say the least. The party at Monicas was allright, there were a few decent guys.. the cowboy, the boyscout, and some random guy. i dunno, so after a few shots and a few drinks we took off to go rescue jason who was a few blocks down the street.

After driving around in circles we found jason and his friend and headed back to girls dorm. It was now about 3am. We went back to the dorms where we hung out, dave came over, the girls perfected "the perfect cheer", and we just hung out for the rest the night. I made it home around... 4 or so, Dave spent the night in a sea of pink blankets in kiki's bed. Meth (we won't use her other nickname at the moment) slept on the floor in the living room, and kiki in meths bed of danger! We also learned that #2 is at fault when discussing the 1-2-3 relashionship. Jason and his friend spent the night, and took the trolly home to find their car super early this morning..... Ps.. for some reason i don't have 1 picture of monica's face.... its just her bodonkadonk.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Halloween Part 1 MORE PICS

Just some more random pictures of the party. If only i knew how to put in videos on this darn thing... that would be amazing!

AH well , we'll have to settle for just the pictures of krystle dancing and not the video.

Halloween Part 1

Krystle'sHalloween Party! Ahh after hours of checking details on our costume it was fianlly done! Thank god! The subject was researched, the capes were made the cities were divided Kiki wanted to be the "Juan Fookah" plate hahahaha it would have been great!

we were ready to roll and it was only 11:40 pm! Just a few hours late oops.. our bad!

When we Finally made it to Krystle's party there was a nice group of people, the music was going, the drinks were flowing, and it was a pretty good time. Here are some amazing pictures of the night. We were all there until about 2 or so. Not bad not bad. The Girls RA was there drinking with them , my brother made it, good times good times.

Friday, October 28, 2005


Baby, baby, I get down on my knees for you
If you would only love me like you used to do
We had a love, love, love, love affair every day
Oh don't, don't, don't, don't take it away
Listen to me, talkin' to you

I need your love.....


So about after 2 weeks of trying to set up a hair appointment with my cousin for Courtney to get her hair bleached we were finally on the road heading to chula vista.. Well for those in the area, being in PB and having to drive to chula vista on a Friday at 4 pm is pretty much HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It look us 30 minutes to get on the 5, then about 45 to get from there to 805. What other way to entertain ourselves then to take pictures.

Well once we had finally reached the 805 lupita called and her friends couldn't wait for her anymore and she had to cancel, so we turned around and ran about 500 errands for our amazing halloween costume! Me and Kelli were going to be no other then THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT! We are amazing!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


There is absolutly nothing worse then filling out jobs applications! I hate it, they all ask you the same thing over and over and over again. Why can't there just be a basic one that everyone has so all you would have to do if make about 4039 thousand copies of one instead of having to fill each one out seperatly. By the time you get to your 3-4th application you start thinking up different ways of writing your name, or what other jobs you could write down that would be funny or just plain weird. Who would deny a job to a retired photographer for national geographics, or a whale trainer, or lion tamer? Then you can't help but think...would they deny me a job if i had a nobel prize for one thing or another written in the awards or accomplishments section of the application? Then after running out of ink, a handful of blisters, a pile of papers and many copies of resumes, references and an almost empty tank of gas you find yourself suck on the I-5 North right in the middle of downtown San Diego at 5pm. So now you're almost out of gas, sitting there bumper to bumper with the sun in your eyes when you decide its time to rock out. You go to turn on your radio and all you hear is about how bad traffic is and how its backed up for miles... ahh how fun then when you are reaching the exit for the 8 west the radio informs you that there is in fact an accident on the off ramp so there you are with no other choice but to continue on the I-5 until the very much jamed packed Sea World Drive. So now i'm home, im grumpy and tired and hate job applications.

After a while of trying to clean my room i took a little nap and i happened to have a very weird dream. I dreamed that i was at a soda machine was wanted a cherry coke but instead of a cherry coke it gave me a maple coke... so now i'm wondering how it would taste if i throw a little maple syrup into my coke... hmm.. i think i've watched ELF one to many times.

Bahahahhahaa That add is funny.... would you not hire that guy??

Monday, October 24, 2005

Kidnappings and violence.. R.I.P.

For more than a decade, the city of Juarez, on the Texas/Mexico border, have been killing fields for young women, the site of over 400 unsolved femicides. Despite the horrific nature of these crimes, authorities at all levels exhibit indifference, and there is strong evidence that some officials may be involved. Impunity and corruption has permitted the criminals, whoever they are, to continue committing these acts, knowing there will be no consequences. A significant number of victims work in the maquiladora sector - sweatshops that produce for export, with 90% destined for the United States. The maquiladoras employ mainly young women, at poverty level wages. In combination with lax environmental regulations and low tariffs under the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Mexico’s crime wave continues, with violent kidnappings for ransom, extortion or worse rising to tsunami levels in greater Mexico City. And while many, in desperate hope for the safe return of kidnapped family members and loved ones meet ransom demands, time and again the victims are found dead, often with clear evidence of torture and abuse before their brutal murders.

Living in the states now, after living in a border town you hear about all these things on television, or hear about it happening to a friend of a friend, and eventually it catches up with you. I am saddned to say that it has once again hit close to home. Living in the United States I feel safe, and it's very easy to forget that all these things are happening everyday and it's happening as I type. A few years ago a very close friend of my family was kidnapped for random, and then killed in a border town in mexico right before christmas, leaving 3 young daughters and her husband. We've had other scares within the family but nothing ever resulted from them thank goodness.

Yesterday night after being out for a few hours, my mom was talking to me about my tio(uncle)chato... who is one of my grandmothers close cousins. His daughters husband was kidnapped in juarez mexico along with a man who claimed to an Interpol commander.
Authorities said both men were tortured and suffocated. Their bodies in separate cement-filled drums were delivered to their homes. Apperently is was "a power struggle among the Mexican drug cartels." No I personally didn't know them but I know he left behind 3 kids around my age and younger and a wife who is part of my very large extended family. My Uncle Chato will be here in San Diego sometime later this week, so i guess i will be recieving more information on what happened, and how the family is later this week.

ah... Change is needed.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Once again the weekend is over, i'm not sure if im relieved or saddened by that thought. In a way im a little relieved that my extended family is on their way as we speak back to Highland, CA. It's not that i don't like them, it's just that they were here for about a week, and my aunt is a little loud and she i tend to get tired of her rather quickly.

Like a very wise man, women, or child once said " Good fish and Good Company Go bad after 3 days."

So, we are also looking for a lady to come stay with grandma, so at the moment i desperatly need to find a job so i can pay for my own rent! UG... i hope i can find one soon. I've applied at a few places like the Girl Scouts, and a few other non-profits but we'll have to see what happens, i'm going to check out a few restaurants and see if i can waitress for a bit while i find a non-profit job. Juanpablo is thinking about working at Peoples in OB that would be a good job for him, i think he'd enjoy it and whatever pays the bills i guess.

At the moment i'll be babysitting as much as possible, and seeing if i can do anything else around here to earn a few bucks. If only money grew on trees i wouldn't be having this problem. ah damn them trees!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

We asked 100 people this question:


hm.. Saturdays gotta love them! It was an amazing saturday here in normally sunny but lately quite foggy San Diego! I love it, i love the clouds, i love the fogg and the dew and mist i love it all! I like how it's a little coldy but still great nice weather! Well yesterday i spent the day looking for halloween things, I am searching for a things for my ninja turtle costume, as well as things for my day of the dead costume, and i havn't found to much stuff... i'll have to keep looking. I think I might hit up Joans today and see what kind of fabric they have that i can use and figure out how to make a turtle shell.

After a day of searching, i got in contact with the girls and we decided it would be game night since we are all a little too broke or a little to underage for the bars. So kiki and i picked up some brox pizza ( YUM!), Family FEUD the DVD edition, and some mixing materials. It was swell.

A ton of people ended up coming over and hanging out at the apartment, Dave, Krisitina and Jason, and the girls it was a pretty good time. I ended up drinking quite a number of martinis.. (oops my bad) but it was overall a good time! I ended up getting home around 4:15 and the door was locked so i had to wake up my mom (oops my bad) Here are some pictures of last nights events! (So as a comment, write 5 things that happened last night!)

Friday, October 21, 2005


OHH! So yeah today, I started looking for some nice costumes for the day of the dead and for halloween. I just talked to Kelly and she's going to be here so im excited. We are going out for halloween and then we are going to the Day of the Dead parade in TJ and we're dressing up, so today i spent the day looking for a ninja turtles costume, and we are also looking for a t-shrit with the skeleton on it. I hope i can find it tomorrow! So today we only got to do a few things...... we went to Bazzar del mundo and looked around, i found molds to make sugar skulls yay! And kiki and bridge made out with some really old man... ya know he was there we were there he was there so why not huh!

For those of you who don't know what the DAY OF THE DEAD really is here ya go. These include all manner of skeletons and other macabre toys; intricate tissue paper cut-outs called papel picado; elaborate wreaths and crosses decorated with paper or silk flowers; candles and votive lights; and fresh seasonal flowers, particularly cempazuchiles (marigolds). Among the edible goodies offered are skulls, coffins and the like made from sugar, as well as sugary sweet rolls called pan de muerto that come in various sizes invariably topped with bits of dough shaped like bones and. All of these goods are destined for the buyer's offering to the dead.

At home members of the family might use the purchases to elaborate an altar in honor of deceased relatives, decorating it with candles, flowers, photographs of the departed, candy skulls inscribed with the name of the deceased, and a selection of his or her favorite foods and beverages. These beverges often include bottles of beer or tequila, cups of coffee, and fresh water, as well as platters of rice, beans, chicken or meat in mole sauce, candied pumpkin or sweet potatoes and breads.

The spirits of the dead are expected to pay a holiday visit home. Frequently a wash basin and clean hand towel are provided so that visiting souls can freshen up before the feast. The offering may also include a pack of cigarettes for the after-dinner enjoyment of former smokers, or a selection of toys and extra sweets for deceased children.

In setting up the altar, a designated area of the home is cleared of its normal furnishings. The arrangement often consists of a table and several overturned wooden crates placed in tiers and covered with clean linens. The offerings are then laid out in an artistic and fairly symmetrical fashion. The smell of burning copal (incense) and the light of numerous candles are intended to help the departed find their way.

On November 2 family members gather at the cemetery for gravesite reunions more festive than somber. Some bring along picnic baskets, bottles of tequila for toasting the departed or even a mariachi band to lead a heartfelt sing-along. Local merchants set up provisional stands outside the cemetery gates to sell food and drinks.

So overall it's an amazing day full of traditions, death, singing, drinking, and parties! Gotta love it!

P.S. I also got a manicure today YAY!

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I decided that instead of writing a blog i was just going to post pictures of thing that I LIKE!! If you read this comment me a list of things you like!