Just another day

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Pool Incident

OK, just as promised here is the the pool story as heard by Mr.Puddlegum on a warm Jan. night at the MineShaft:

Once Upon a time, in a place called Y-Town there lived a couple of rowdy 20 year olds. They had gotten a little hungry and a little thirsty so they decided to drive to Los Algodones Mexico eat some tacos and take back a few beers. After having their fill they proceeded to walk around and buy some fireworks.

They end up buying a handful of random fireworks, and 1 large cherry bomb. A few weeks while the parental units were out of town, they decided to throw the cherry bomb into the pool and see the fun splash.. Well they lit it, threw it in and ran inside... They stood there to watch the action through the living room window. Smoke started coming out of the pool, and then an extremely LOUD bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm, the explosion had made the whole foundation of the house shake.

After the shaking had stopped they looked at each other and all they could say was " I think we really messed up this time" they ran out to the pool to find debris all around the pool and in the water. They started cleaning it up, one of the guys EVEN got in the icy cold November water. They cleaned up all the evidence and you couldn't even tell anything had happened. Relieved they went back inside and continued with their lives.

A Few days later the mom came home from being out of town and went outside and noticed that the water level for the pool was really low, not thinking much about it she just filled it up like normal... Well the next morning the pool was 1/2 EMPTY!!!!!!! She filled it up again and again and again it kept emptying. She called the pool people they came over , inspected it and told her they were going to have to empty it and see what was wrong. So the pool was emptied, there was a crack in the foundation, they had to re-seal the pool, well while they did that they painted it, and gave it a nice running creek that now ends in the pool.

well the moral of the story is.. if you want your parents to fix the yard and pool throw a giant cherry bomb into the pool.

Oh, and the pool took like 6 months to fix. hahah


At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahahahaha, that is SO awesome. i love the story. mr. puddlegum looks like the travelocity gnome!


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