Just another day

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Girl Meets World

I know you are probably wondering about my random yiddish words, no I am not jewish, i just enjoy the language and find it interesting so i've picked up a few words and quotes here and there.

Over the last few years, I've been working at summer camps as administrative staff, i've been a program director, assistant director and a camp director. Some people don't understand why i put my life on hold for 3 months out of the year to go to the mountains and work my butt off for the whole summer. They also seem to see the camping aspect of it. The missing comforts of home and civilization, but what they don't see is the amazing impact that a person can make to a childs life.

Every year is the same story... i spend the summer camp, i come home spent, tired and vowing to never do it again, and once september comes along i am missing camp, the dirt, the spiders, the lack of smog, smoke, and traffic, and I can't wait for next summer to come along. Camp is a a place where I can escape and get paid to spend time laughing, singing, and out on a lake, what more can you ask for in life? A lot of people ask me why i keep doing it... the answer is a simple one, i can't stop. There is something magical that happens to me out there every summer
It isn't anything that i can pinpoint but every year i not only come home with dirty socks, bee stings, poison ivy, and more bumps and bruises then i can count, but every summer i learn many things about myself, my life, and what i want and not want in my life.

I want to live in a place where i can breath fresh air, I want to always be able to pack a bag and relocate to a new city, a new country, and a new job. I just want to be happy, i never want to be stuck in an office job, or doing something that i hate. I want to make a difference in a childs life, and that there is the main reason i work at camp every summer. I know that years from now one of the girls that attended camp will think of a song i taught her, or see a picture and just think of me and smile, and then I know that I have made that difference.
I have moved and kept on moving
proved the points that needed proving
lost the friends that needed loosing
made others along the way.

This blog doesn't come close to covering the amazing times, and memories that i have made at Shadow Rim or Whispering Winds, but this will be the tip of the ice berg that will be unraveled in future blogs.


At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.... i really want you to write more about camp. i feel like joining up, bahaha.


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