Just another day

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Noches Estrelladas

As i'm sitting on a mountain top, i've got a million stars dreaming with me. Filling every thought with hopes and dreams, dreams of lifes that have passed through this camp, lifes that have been affected in one way or another by these woods, summers past, present and summers to come. Friends that have been made, memories that are to be cherished forever. Campfires burning, and the children softly singing as the shadows still cling to the edge of night, the calming silence of the oregon nights fills my heart, my head, and my dreams.

As I sit on in the meadow in the edge of the dark, cold yet magical woods, i find myself at peace, with all problems of the day forgotton there is no other place i'd rather be then sitting there in the dark in the dew filled meadow clearning my thoughts and and opening my heart and embracing all the slendor and I can't help but thank God for another day of living.

Endless waves of joy traveling though my body as I would surrender my thoughts to night sky, images of past loves, friendships, troubles, concerns, are all released at that moment and saddness and lonleyness invade me. I suddely miss my best friend, and i know that there is no possible way of anyone to understand the beauty that is surrounding me in this magical place, there are no words that could possibly describe the way the trees surround me, the way the stars shine. They shine like embers in a fire they fill my heart with peace and just remembering them is enough to give me hope for the rest of my life. As i lay there I dream of never having to move, of just being able to lay there hour after day wishing the sun would never rise, wishing the night would never end so i could be alone with my thoughts, with my dreams, and my newly conquered skies.

As I lay there I watch the children pass with their quiet voices and lit lanterns, i hear their happy voices, and laughter and i realize why I am out here in the first place. I am out here to teach this children to do what I am now doing, to realize and give thanks for everyday of living, and to see and apprechiate what mother nature has to offer. I remain laying in the soft grass for a few more minutes contemplating my life, feeling fullfillment and happiness once again i decide to move to the dock.

I slowly arise and not wanting to cause disruption of any kind i slowly and quietly move to the dock on the lake. There i am once again as if time had stopped, breathless i lay on the dock dreaming i could reach and touch the stars above or perhaps reach into the lake and become part of the refection that would be more perfect. A blowing breeze that animates the woods around me causing the alders to dance.

And the hours went by and the lightning of the sky filled my eyes and the chorus of the birds welcomed me to start of a new day.


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh... holy shit!!! love, thats definitely on par with mine if not better. i love the way you write too!! hehe... i love it.

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cha, i miss you so! i even miss camp. not the stinky biff whiff, but the endless hours stuck in the dungeon going crazy and telling stories.... pausing for the "puppies!" that'd pass by our windows when we were quiet.
i wanna go to oregon.


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