Just another day

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why i love bridget

MiChacha: hmmmmmmmmm
MiChacha: if there is something you and i are good at, it's drinking
MiChacha: sleeping around
MiChacha: wearing bling
MiChacha: and procrastination
bridgetO: god that sounds so much better than homework
bridgetO: ironically i was about to make myself tea so i could settle down and concentrate and then i wondered if rum and coke would achieve the same effect
MiChacha: hahahahaha thats why i love you


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i discovered recently that i'm good at sleeping. a couple days in a row sleeping for around 12hours will really fuck with your head though. jesus christ. i think i need to kill myself. lol.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TOTALLY does NOT fit, but here is my dedication to you and the HollyWOOOODS:

So in search of love and laughter,
I am traveling across this land.
Never sure of where I'm going,
for I haven't any plans.
Anytime when you are ready,
come and join me take my hand.
And together we'll share life
out on the loose.

much loves,

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, not sleeping. sleeping AROUND. how are we so awesome?


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