Just another day

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why i love bridget

MiChacha: hmmmmmmmmm
MiChacha: if there is something you and i are good at, it's drinking
MiChacha: sleeping around
MiChacha: wearing bling
MiChacha: and procrastination
bridgetO: god that sounds so much better than homework
bridgetO: ironically i was about to make myself tea so i could settle down and concentrate and then i wondered if rum and coke would achieve the same effect
MiChacha: hahahahaha thats why i love you

Dagger leg vs Snake....... SNAKE WINS


Yesterday night the ladies were on their way to dinner when they encountered a little snake on the road. Dagger leg quickly fell in love with the cute slithering beast and wanted to help from a life of prostitution and gambling. The snake had been living on the street and she was afraid that it's life would be filled with corruption and drugs so she decided that she needed to make a difference in the life of this snake. She pulled out her purse and began choosing it with the strap just agitating the (what she considered) defenseless creature.
After rescuing the snake from it's life of shame it left her with a nice parting gift, a bite on her finger. After getting bit they decided to call and ask if snake bites were poisonous an
d if so what they should do about it. After rushing dagger leg to the hospital they realized that they went to the wrong one and that even though dagger leg was little she was a little too old for the childrens hospital, but they fell in love with her little dagger so they allowed her to stay. After many hours of IV's, morphene, the flushing of her system and an antivenom I am happy to say that dagger leg still has all her fingers.. yes they are a little swollen but they are still in tact and is at home. (I don't think we'll be calling her dagger hand any time soon) Even though she was talking crazy talk for a while the morphene did her well, she called the sun on the roof God then proceeded on saying David James looked like god, and started talking about the "hot poison control guy" (who's contact info she got by the end of the night. That pretty much wraps up the first story of dagger leg. THE END

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Noches Estrelladas

As i'm sitting on a mountain top, i've got a million stars dreaming with me. Filling every thought with hopes and dreams, dreams of lifes that have passed through this camp, lifes that have been affected in one way or another by these woods, summers past, present and summers to come. Friends that have been made, memories that are to be cherished forever. Campfires burning, and the children softly singing as the shadows still cling to the edge of night, the calming silence of the oregon nights fills my heart, my head, and my dreams.

As I sit on in the meadow in the edge of the dark, cold yet magical woods, i find myself at peace, with all problems of the day forgotton there is no other place i'd rather be then sitting there in the dark in the dew filled meadow clearning my thoughts and and opening my heart and embracing all the slendor and I can't help but thank God for another day of living.

Endless waves of joy traveling though my body as I would surrender my thoughts to night sky, images of past loves, friendships, troubles, concerns, are all released at that moment and saddness and lonleyness invade me. I suddely miss my best friend, and i know that there is no possible way of anyone to understand the beauty that is surrounding me in this magical place, there are no words that could possibly describe the way the trees surround me, the way the stars shine. They shine like embers in a fire they fill my heart with peace and just remembering them is enough to give me hope for the rest of my life. As i lay there I dream of never having to move, of just being able to lay there hour after day wishing the sun would never rise, wishing the night would never end so i could be alone with my thoughts, with my dreams, and my newly conquered skies.

As I lay there I watch the children pass with their quiet voices and lit lanterns, i hear their happy voices, and laughter and i realize why I am out here in the first place. I am out here to teach this children to do what I am now doing, to realize and give thanks for everyday of living, and to see and apprechiate what mother nature has to offer. I remain laying in the soft grass for a few more minutes contemplating my life, feeling fullfillment and happiness once again i decide to move to the dock.

I slowly arise and not wanting to cause disruption of any kind i slowly and quietly move to the dock on the lake. There i am once again as if time had stopped, breathless i lay on the dock dreaming i could reach and touch the stars above or perhaps reach into the lake and become part of the refection that would be more perfect. A blowing breeze that animates the woods around me causing the alders to dance.

And the hours went by and the lightning of the sky filled my eyes and the chorus of the birds welcomed me to start of a new day.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Girl Meets World

I know you are probably wondering about my random yiddish words, no I am not jewish, i just enjoy the language and find it interesting so i've picked up a few words and quotes here and there.

Over the last few years, I've been working at summer camps as administrative staff, i've been a program director, assistant director and a camp director. Some people don't understand why i put my life on hold for 3 months out of the year to go to the mountains and work my butt off for the whole summer. They also seem to see the camping aspect of it. The missing comforts of home and civilization, but what they don't see is the amazing impact that a person can make to a childs life.

Every year is the same story... i spend the summer camp, i come home spent, tired and vowing to never do it again, and once september comes along i am missing camp, the dirt, the spiders, the lack of smog, smoke, and traffic, and I can't wait for next summer to come along. Camp is a a place where I can escape and get paid to spend time laughing, singing, and out on a lake, what more can you ask for in life? A lot of people ask me why i keep doing it... the answer is a simple one, i can't stop. There is something magical that happens to me out there every summer
It isn't anything that i can pinpoint but every year i not only come home with dirty socks, bee stings, poison ivy, and more bumps and bruises then i can count, but every summer i learn many things about myself, my life, and what i want and not want in my life.

I want to live in a place where i can breath fresh air, I want to always be able to pack a bag and relocate to a new city, a new country, and a new job. I just want to be happy, i never want to be stuck in an office job, or doing something that i hate. I want to make a difference in a childs life, and that there is the main reason i work at camp every summer. I know that years from now one of the girls that attended camp will think of a song i taught her, or see a picture and just think of me and smile, and then I know that I have made that difference.
I have moved and kept on moving
proved the points that needed proving
lost the friends that needed loosing
made others along the way.

This blog doesn't come close to covering the amazing times, and memories that i have made at Shadow Rim or Whispering Winds, but this will be the tip of the ice berg that will be unraveled in future blogs.

Monday, September 26, 2005

ah... my Khavertehs (KHA-ver-teh)

Oh dear, as i was thinking about what yiddish word to use as the title to this blog i saw the scariest thing on television! It was some crazy cop detective show but this one involved sharks! I am very frightened of sharks, not as much as octopai but sharks scare the crap out of me. Just the thought of them can make me leave a swimming pool, and stay yards from the La Jolla shoreline. Feh!

I have Feinshmeker (fine taste) when it comes to making friends, in my last blog you learned a little bit about bridgey buffet, this blog will introduce you to Kelli (meth) and Kiki Sushi. What can i say they are wonderful... interesting girls with questionable morals... just the way I like my friends! they are all USD students and we are all very different but end up getting along extremly well

P.S. Kelli is
a drunken troll who spears people with your rusty dagger - the saga of daggerleg continues....hide your alcohol and children... stay tuned for more stories... and updates on kelli (the raptors) life.


Ug, today is the worst day ever! I hate mondays, i tossed and turned all night, im unsure why i just couldn't sleep. I lay there in the dark listening to the ghosts in my head play backgamon. Then i recieved my cingular wireless bill and it's outragouse! So i spent about 3 hours trying to fix it, at the moment i'm still trying but I keep loosing calls, getting dissconnected, and getting transfered to the wrong person time after time. I hate fighting things. It's the same story every darn month, over charges, random charges, etc... blah i hate cell phones but at the same time i would die without mine. At the moment I am on hold listening to some lady talk about how easy it is to pay your bill online, and on the phone automatically. blah! blah! blah! Ug, once again i have been dissconnected, it makes me want to throw my phone out the winodw! I hate them folks out there in the cingular wireless building probably laughing at me and seeing how many times they can dissconnect me without me having a heartattack because they know i can't trace who i last talked to and i'll just have to call back and wait 30 minutes because of their " high calls". While all this is happening I keep getting calls on my other line from people and i can't pick it up and talk to them because i am deathly scared of loosing the connection again. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I lost the connection this is madness! This is sucky. After almost throwing my phone out the window, i recieved a phone call on my house line and it was the cingular lady! She helped me with my bill and everything is now swell.. Apperently some of my charges were dropped, so i guess all the maddness and horrible cingular costumer service I am now ok and once again calm.

Oh i have just shared my new blogging experience with my friend bridgey buffet. Bridgey is amazing, she is a booze drinking, bling wearing, kick ass person.
I know you all wish you had a friend like bridgey to cuddle with! You will be hearing more about bridgey in upcoming adventures.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


After many months of debating I have decided to give this online journaling a try. What convinced me the most was how amazingly hooked I became on reading my friends online journals and entries. I decided to just go ahead and just type, i apologize if you are reading this because im sure that it won't make sense half the time, and when it does make sense i'm pretty darn sure it won't be very interesting nor funny. So i guess this is more of a before you start reading warning, so if entertainment is what you are looking for you might want to quickly click on the X on the right corner of this window and then run to to your closet and bust out a board game or maybe even pick up a book.

Well, for some reason i was worried about who would read this, but then i decided that im not writing this for you, i am writing this for my own entertainment and i can type faster then i can write, and to tell you the truth I was getting a little bored just writing in my regular journal.

So now that I have warned you I am still uncertain on why you are still reading my page, but well, i guess it's your choice. but don't tell me i didn't warn you. My writing is not what you would call "amazing" or inspireing, or even endearing it's just random rambling of unfinished thoughts, incomplete paragraphs, and overall horrible spelling. You will find stories of my everyday family life, of life out in southern california, and of the life of a party girl.